Bexhill-on-Sea in East Sussex Town Guide

Edmund Hammond

I am researching my family tree and have got as far as my great great grandfather, Edmund Hammond, born in Bexhill in 1811. He appears in the 1841 census as a farmer at Ellenden Farm, nr Hawkhurst in Kent. Does nay one have any information on his father or mother? Many thanks, Nigel Hammond

3 responses to “Edmund Hammond”

  1.  avatar

    Hi Nigel,

    I expect by now you have found out about Edmund Hammond but if you havn’t then I have some information on him. I would be interested to make contact anyway as I have a family connection.


    Trevor Monk

  2.  avatar

    Hello Trevor,

    Many thanks for your reply. I had forgotten all about this post! I did get back past Edmund Hammond – in fact back to 1751 but then the trail became confused as there were two possible branches I could have followed so I gave up.

    I would be very interested to learn about Edmund’s father and grandfather if you have the time to let me know.

    Kind regards,

    Nigel Hammond

  3.  avatar

    Hi Nigel,

    Please e-mail me at [reveal email] and I will send you what I have.



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