Each month we take a look at the best things to do in and around Bexhill-on-Sea and here are the latest, most popular things to do according to our visitors in .
Below are listings for tourist information centres in Bexhill-on-Sea and the surrounding area ...
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Battle 5.1 miles from Bexhill-on-Sea
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In Bexhill-on-Sea
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Gives incredible insight into the history of Bexhill, its famous residents and visitors, and the important historic milestones that have made Bexhill internationally famous
Their Bexhill office was the second Rush, Witt & Wilson office to open and is run by a team who … more
Listed in: Estate Agents
, 8:00pm - 10:00pm
Calvers Neighbourhood Bar, Bexhill-on-Sea
Category: Live Music
Hi, does anyone know when the Castle name changed to Bar One, and then Townhouse? Rob
Can you please let me know how much the membership costs for a single pensioner and a pensioner couple?