Below are listings for haberdashery in Bexhill-on-Sea and the surrounding area ...
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Hastings 5.1 miles from Bexhill-on-Sea
01424 423 236
At Jacobs Haberdashery we offer a wide range of haberdahsery, fabric, ribbons, knitting yarns, sewing machines and a general needlework and craft items. We also offer sewing machine servicing and repairs. We are open 9-5:30 Monday to Saturday. We also have a sister branch at 36 St.Leonards Road, Bexhill on-sea, TN40 1HT, Tel 01424 819083
Battle 5.3 miles from Bexhill-on-Sea
01424 777 755
Battle 5.3 miles from Bexhill-on-Sea
01424 777 755
07726 362 103
Wool, Haberdashery, Sewing, Workshops
Their Bexhill office was the second Rush, Witt & Wilson office to open and is run by a team who … more
Listed in: Estate Agents
, 7:30pm - 10:30pm
Sidley Working Mens Club, Bexhill-on-Sea
Category: Live Music
Hi, does anyone know when the Castle name changed to Bar One, and then Townhouse? Rob
Can you please let me know how much the membership costs for a single pensioner and a pensioner couple?