I’m looking for a lady called Margaret from Bexhill. We met very briefly on Hope Gap beach late afternoon Friday 3rd June 2011 and had a good chat about kayaks & Winchelsea beach, etc. Margaret was with a friend, a gentleman, who had taken her out for the day but was not her husband. Margaret is blonde/fair hair and attractive. There was a connection between us and I’d like to follow that up. If this is you, or you know of a Margaret that fits the bill then please either get in touch with me or ask her to contact me.
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Rush, Witt & Wilson
Their Bexhill office was the second Rush, Witt & Wilson office to open and is run by a team who … more
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De La Warr Pavilion Painting
Hello, My wife is a professional artist and in the 1980’s she hand painted in oil a Trompe-l’Å“il of the … more
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Hi, When and where do you meet?